Posts in Recipes
Almond Joy Cereal Bars

I got my love for Almond Joys from my mom. I remember being a kid, sorting out my Halloween goodies into piles by candy type, while under the watchful eye of my parents. They played it off as wanting to make sure we threw away the open or suspicious pieces, but really they were just eyeing what they would take out of my stash after I fell asleep. And my mom was always sizing up the Almond Joy selection.

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Pop Tarts

Raise your hand if every time you travel down the cereal aisle at the grocery store you're tempted to swipe a box of pop tarts into your shopping cart (*raises both hands*). Pop tarts were one of my favorite treats as a kid, and are probably still my favorite treat as an adult. But if eating pop tarts as an adult is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

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Apple Chicken Salad

GUYS. Spring is HERE. I get to a point towards the end of every season where I'm over it and ready for a change, and I was done with the cold weather around mid-February (as done as you can be when you live in Florida and it rarely gets below 60 degrees). Now, I'm just ready to add a healthy sun-kissed glow to my skin so I can start to look like the Florida girl that I am.

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One of my favorite Christmas memories began just three years ago. Andy came to visit for my graduation and since it was a couple weeks before Christmas, it was our only chance to celebrate the holidays. We found this recipe for cranberry bliss bars and made them together, and from that a tradition was born. Now every Christmas we pick a couple of our favorite treats and bake them, package 'em up, and share them with our co-workers.

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Dessert, RecipesEmily Weir