While Whole 30 compliant, these mixed nuts are a great option to have on hand to snack on any day.
This rosemary greyhound cocktail is a simple way to liven up your normal sparkling water.
While Whole 30 compliant, these mixed nuts are a great option to have on hand to snack on any day.
Paleo pumpkin muffins stuffed with chocolate chips, but free of grains, dairy, and any added sugars.
Filled with soft pillows of gnocchi, this creamy baked dish tastes way more indulgent than it is.
This vegetarian dish is easy to make and full of flavor to jazz up your next salad or pita.
A dairy, grain, and added-sugar free banana bread that will have you wishing you had more browned bananas sitting on your kitchen counter.
These Greek chicken bowls are full of Mediterranean flavor and are super simple to throw together for dinner or meal prep.
This quick and flavorful ricotta flatbread is a simple weeknight dinner that doesn’t skimp on taste.
A twist on the classic oatmeal cookie, these soft cookies are deliciously chocolately and full of peanut butter.
These sweet potato egg cups are a new twist on a traditional egg breakfast with the dreamiest avocado sauce.
This cilantro lime cauliflower rice is the perfect hearty Whole 30 approved base for your burrito bowl.
This classic quiche is a holiday favorite in our home, full of flavor and perfect with a flaky crust.
These gingerbread cookies are the perfect combination of ginger and sweetness and will quickly become a holiday favorite.
These white cheddar and rosemary biscuits are surprisingly simple and full of delicious flavor. They’d perfectly pair with your favorite winter soup or chili.
With many years of baking this recipe for my family on Thanksgiving, this recipe has been perfected and will make you forget about any apple pie that has come before.
This one-pot recipe will make cooking a classic family meal simple without losing the flavor.
Gnocchi will quickly become your favorite comfort food with this easy 3 ingredient recipe.
These muffins are almost too delicious to consider a breakfast treat, but the lack of added sugars, dairy and gluten makes them the perfect start to your day.
Life Lessons
In a world where we're told not to be selfish, I'm telling you why you should stop and focus on yourself in hopes of building a healthier and happier life.
We're only two years into this whole marriage thing and definitely don't have it all figured out, but we're sharing some of the things we did learn in our second year that we hadn't had to face in our first year as husband and wife.
Reflecting on 2016 and not getting as far with personal goals as I would have hoped for the year.
It's laughable to me now to look back and remember how stressed I was in college, balancing classes, school work, internships and jobs. I didn't even know what #adulting really was back then.
Do you ever find yourself caught up in an internal battle, frustrated with yourself and wondering how you let your head take you there? That has been my life the past couple of weeks.
Saturday marked one year married to my best friend. And while we don't have all the answers and still have loads to learn, there were plenty of lessons learned in year one that no one gave us a heads up on. And since everyone around us seems to be getting married (or close to it), we thought it was worth passing along.
I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. Tacking on the word "resolution" just seems to set you up for failure. Instead, a few years ago I adopted the habit of setting goals for my New Year. I find that I'm way more successful and don't beat myself up if I fall behind or don't accomplish a goal.
I fear change. I like my life the way it is and everything to happen just as it always has. I like knowing what is going to happen, when it is going to happen, and how it is going to happen. Change has such a bad reputation, and not just for me. Society teaches us to fear change, to get set in our routine and question when it strays.
I like seasons. Football season, pumpkin season, fall season, I love it all. Seasons that push me beyond my comfort zone and make me question myself and my abilities? I like to stay as far away from those as possible.
Honored to have been featured on my new friend, Emily Cummins' blog as her Becoming Story this week. I hope you enjoy my story about embracing setbacks as stepping stones to becoming the woman God has created me to be. Enjoy!
With my 25th birthday tomorrow, I’ve been reflecting on the past year a lot. I knew my 24th year would hold a lot of changes; how could it not with the whole getting married thing? Previously, I had always anticipated that my 18th year with graduating high school and starting college would be the biggest year of change I would face. Or maybe even my 22nd year when I graduated college and had to put my big girl pants on to join the real world.
Monday's are the worst. I don't care how much you enjoy your job, you do not enjoy your job on a Monday morning.
Sometimes I like to fool myself into thinking that because I'm almost 25 years old, all of the things that used to bother me when I was a teenager don't apply to my life anymore.
What a load of crap.
About two and a half years ago I decided that I was going to start a blog. I was in the midst of my most stressful (and thankfully final) semester of school, I was working and interning, and I was applying for jobs. Even though I was busier than ever, I still wanted to put myself out there and start a blog sharing my life and all the craziness that existed within it.
It felt SO great to be back in a race again! I always forget how much I love the anticipation and energy that comes from the crowds while waiting in the coral to begin.
I often find myself looking for a new physical challenge. I get bored with my current routine, so I find a new (to me) race to sign up for and start training. This is how many, many months ago I found myself signed up on my Ragnar Relay team: Will Run for Pancakes.
The past few weeks I've been training for my next race. And far different from my usual road half-marathons, this race requires me to step outside of my normal treadmill training comfort zone and onto the trails. For the Ragnar Relay, I'll be running three times on three different trails in Atlanta over the course of about 24 hours. To say that I was ignorant to what this would require of me is an understatement.
All week this half was looming over my head. I'd put in all of the training and work, but for whatever reason, I was still worried that my body was going to fail me.
Half training this time around has been so different for me. In the past, I had no issue with getting up early to pound out the miles and consistently had powerful runs, whereas this year felt like I was tackling the distance for the first time. I've doubted my body and my abilities more than ever in the past few months and began to question if my body just couldn't push out the miles at the level it used to.
For the past month, I've been sharing updates on my half-marathon training for the Gasparilla race I'm running this coming February (you can catch up on week 3 and week 4).
One of the first bible verses that ever stuck with me was Philipians 4:13. I think it was somewhere in the middle of a steep hike up a mountainside in Haiti that I grasped onto the words and started using them as my internal anthem across all situations.
When you've been running 3 or 4 days a week for years, you get to know your body. What foods to eat before a run and what to stay away from, what temperatures you work best in, and the time of day that is favorable.
I've struggled for a while with whether or not to bring my running into my blog. I wanted to since it's such a big part of my day-to-day, but I also was hesitant since I'm not some running superstar whose throwing out these impressive 8 minute miles and signing up for marathons every other week.
But that's not the real world.
After spending three days exploring New Orleans, I'm sharing where to stay, what food to seek out and avoid, and some of our favorite spots that we visited.
I'm really bad about making time for myself. I start my weekdays at 5am and am going until I crawl into bed around 10pm. And the weekends when most people relax? An opportunity to fit in all of the errands and other tasks I couldn't fit in after work.
Savannah. Where history, the coast, and the south all come to a point in the form of fried food, humidity, and Paula Deen. I've had a soft spot for Savannah since the first time I drove through the city a few years ago and had always had an itch to return. It only made sense to round out our vacation with a day there.
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My Favorites

A simple marinated grilled steak paired with a flavorful chimichurri sauce.